Puppy Mohawk

Mantra Mondays 

Last night I was looking around for a positive quotes when I came across this one:

“I can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses. It’s all how you look at it.” J. Kenfield Morley

I like this quote because I think it embodies the idea that any situation when be viewed as positive depending on how you look at it 🙂


I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend and a great Fourth of July!  I had a very busy weekend that was extremely productive…plus I had a little fun too!

This is what I woke up to this morning- Puppy Mohawk!



This morning it was back to the grind!  I had a bowl of Oatmeal Squares topped with banana and cashews.  The Oatmeal Squares  are close enough to my usual oatmeal that it felt like a normal workday breakfast 😉



As I said this weekend was filled with getting ready for NYC and packing up some boxes to ship back.

My Mom and I spent a good portion of the weekend looking at household appliances because there are somethings I need to pick up for the apartment.  One being a vacuum!  I’ve been using a dust buster in place of one all year and it just isn’t cutting it.

I also was looking for a mini food processor.

I couldn’t help but find some interest in a few other things… like the donut maker!!!

Or the alustrious KitchenAid mixer! I seriously think these make a kitchen look better! One day when I have a kitchen that can fit one of these things (and I can afford one) I will get one of my own!

And I love the Keurigs too!  I’m not even a coffee drinker and I love these machines!


This past weekend was also filled with baking- my favorite!  I baked some of these brownies for the 4th! And helped ice my pre-birthday cake, which we had yesterday as well!  (My birthday isn’t till later in the month but I will be back in NYC by then, so my Mom wanted to be sure to make me one befrore I left).  Recipes to come later today…


How was your weekend?  Do anything special?

Does anyone have a recommendation for a mini food processor?

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